

Last updated: 28-04-2014
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Also Known As:
  • Etc Inc

Basic Information

  • Wells, Norfolk, Uk
  • 60s Pop
Active Years:
E1964 - E1965

Lead Vocals: Bernie Thompson

Guitar: Anthony Allum aka Marcus

Guitar: Doug Mann

Bass: Peter Sandell

Drums: Roger Cooper



ETC were a progression of The Megatons with the addition of bass player Peter Sandell and second guitarist Doug Mann. Previously Bernie Thompson had played guitar as well as being lead vocalist but now became the groups frontman. Most of the band were fans of Screaming Lord Sutch and part of Bernie’s act was to dress up as Jack The Ripper on stage. "There was always a dance on somewhere." Said original guitarist Marcus "We played all the village halls, clubs and pubs in the area [North Norfolk]." After the group disband Marcus who had progressed onto playing a Vox Continental keyboard sat in with The Triffids before retiring from the scene to return in the seventies with Foottapper. Roger moved away from the area and joined up with midlands band Earthquakes.



The Megatons <> (Allum -The Triffids)