

Last updated: 18-07-2022

Basic Information

Born In:
  • Unknown
Last Known Location:


  • Drums/percussionist

I started in the mid sixties with an Ely based band called Motion Picture. The original line up was me on drums, guitarist Charlie Heber-Hall, bassist Paddy Murphy and lead singer Colin Lockwood.

Around 1969/70, Colin left the band and Roger Peters joined. This band became Boomerang . We were semi-pro until April 1973 when we turned fully professional.

Paddy didn't want to turn pro, so Mike Cremer from Huntingdon joined us on bass for a summer season in Jersey. After Mike left, we found a new bass player called Bob Bampton who had just moved to Ely from Southampton.

We also took on another guitarist from Ely called Steve Kerr. In 1975 ( I think) Steve and Charlie left the band and we were joined by two Cambridge lads, Marc Noel-Johnson on guitar and Martin Bond on guitar and vocals.

Boomerang became Acrobat for a short while when we had a ver brief recording deal with DJM Records. We never released a record with DJM and changed the name to Cops after we joined Mungo Jerry's management company Red Bus International

and recorded Shortnin' Bread with EMI. The final line up of Cops was me, Bob Bampton, Roger Peters, Marc-Noel Johnson and Martin Bond.