

Last updated: 11-05-2020

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Born In:
  • Unknown
Last Known Location:


  • Lead Vocalist

Matt White moves to the UK in ?? 1991

Band timeline:

Primitive Cool



The Gordon Bennett Band

Having moved to the UK in 1991, Matt soon got a gig fronting local blues band ‘Primitive Cool’ at the invitation of guitarist John Adams (formerly of Lacey Street Blues Band). Later, checking out the local gig scene, Matt caught up with ‘Under the Bridge’ at the Railway in Ipswich one night. This rock-soul-blues-funk-folk-yet-not-pigeonhole-able outfit then featured the inimitable Jock Davies as powerhouse front man, Steve Dodd & Paul Whatling on guitars, Lincoln Anderson on bass and Paul Read (former drummer for ‘The Outfield’) on drums.
Matt vividly recalls...
The set was brilliant. The playing was superb. The musical energy was raw and visceral yet tight and smart. Jock’s up-front persona was balls-out swagger, with the gusto and slick delivery to back it up. He directed the band’s arrangements with gnat’s-chuff stops, signalled by thrusting an all-business fist upward then sharply down with a snap, putting his own FU stamp on band direction while eyeing the crowd with searing intensity, a scene that would have made James Brown climax in his tightest trousers. The rhythm section was next level, absolutely nailing an eclectic mix of reggae, meat & potatoes rock, swing, blues, folk and soul. In the rhythm section, notably, Reado’s take on the JB Funky Drummer lick was bang-on perfect. Being equal parts moved, elated, jaw-dropped, inspired, impressed and entertained by the spectacle, on leaving that gig, I knew two things:

1. It was time to seriously raise my game as a front man
2. I was going to work with Paul Read in a band one day
before finally getting a project together with Paul in late 2009. As new bands always do, they struggled for a name. After some mind-numbing to-ing and fro-ing, Reado grinned and said “how about ‘Matt White and The Emulsions’ ”...
rious talent was required to fill bass & guitar slots. Vocal and bass guitar rock guru and ever-wunderkind Steve ‘Kilby’ Mears (Star Club, Picture House Big Band et al) was invited to join along with guitar powerhouse and synth technical wizard Andy Trill, also in fine voice. Thusly, in 2010, MWTE 1.0 was fully formed and ready for battle. Singer / Songwriter / Guitarist / Drummer / Producer (yes, one of those extremely multi-talented chaps) Dave Booth eventually joined on drums forming MWTE 1.1 when Reado had to temporarily down sticks for a much needed shoulder op. Sound man Jamie Anderson also worked his magic on the desk and mixed at some of their bigger shows in the 1.0 era.
The band had a great run into late 2014, were well-received and eventually worked mostly at private parties. Many later gigs were ‘unplugged’ by popular demand when some acoustic garage band rehearsal videos were shared as practice sessions for Reado on FaceBook. A regular stint as unplugged house band at Benson Blakes Bar & Grill in Bury St Edmunds followed. Matt eventually wanted to develop that ‘unplugged’ style. Flying the flag of slick classic and contemporary Rock with a layer of synth sampling they did so well, Andy, Steve and Dave preferred to ‘Rock’ and went on to form ‘The Rock Hudsons’. So, all decided to happily part company for reasons of different musical direction. After a steamy great gig at the Putney Town Rowing Club’s April bash, the first promo shot of “The Rock Hudsons” in formation was captured on Matt’s phone in the glow of moonlight beside the Thames while the band all pondered the next phase. MWTE 1.1 was put to bed a few gigs later. Later that year, all the MWTE social media stuff was taken off line on the advice of reducing ‘internet footprint’ from Matt’s day job corporate bods, which was actually utter piffle. Eventually, sadly all the old MWTE 1.1 era FB page content and online following was no more.
Fast forward to 2018!

Andy Trill could be found with bass guitar in hand touring the far reaches of the globe with the Prince Tribute ‘New Purple Celebration’ act fronted by James Maddison as the Paisley Park maestro. Boothy’s recording / producing project ‘The Recording Booth’ had upgraded studio and was busier than ever. Kilbey’s fab bass playing and silky smooth voice were still going strong with indie rock project “Five Mile High”. Matt performed in occasional yet rare ‘Matt White Unplugged’ gigs as the acoustic stuff is where his heart lives.

Having mostly sat behind a family business desk for 4 years, lack of regular gigging was sending Matt gradually insane. Shoulder back in good nick, Paul had started up with his own power trio, ‘Undercover’ with Pat Grueber on bass and Stevie Doherty (exceedingly sensational and formerly of the Sensational Alex Harvey Band) on guitar and lead vocals. So, one night Matt jumped in front of ‘Undercover’ and the fit was immediately like comfortable old shoes (but not as smelly). Undercover continue their tasty power trio fronted by Stevie - get out and catch them - not to be missed!
Again, the search for a band name...Paul, with his indomitable cheeky Cheshire Cat grin, once more uttered “Is anyone using ‘Matt White and The Emulsions’ at the moment?!”...
...And so MWTE 2.0 was formed, with founding members Matt White & Paul Read joined by Pat Grueber and Stevie Doherty.
They’re hitting the East Anglian music scene hard (and soft) and enjoying performing more than ever, albeit with a markedly different sound since MWTE 1.0.
Well, Matt - he hasn’t changed much! Still barefoot. Still unhinged. And extremely chuffed to be treading the boards with a fantastically talented line-up again.
Big thanks and good luck goes to previous members Steve Mears, Andy Trill, Dave Booth and Jamie Anderson.  Look them up on Facebook / Internet in their current projects - sure to entertain!