Last updated: 04-07-2019
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Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 80s Synth
E1982 - E1982
Heaven Mk1
Guitar: Simon Gooch
Bass: Kingsley Harris
Drums: Paul Court
Really not sure this band comes under the strict guidlines of the Archive but i had nowhere else to store the information.
April 1982: The opeing gambit of Gooch, Harris and Court lasts around two weeks and probably only jams. Equipment wise Court plays a blue metallic Maxwin five piece with Zyn and Super Zyn cymbals, kit owmned by Harris. Harris and Gooch play Satalite bass and lead guitars respectively. Lead amp is Laney 16 watt and bass amp is JHS 20 watt.
Harris then joins The Suburbs
Heaven MkII
Lead Vocals, Keys: Richard Rix
Bum notes, Drum pad, start/stop buttons: Kingsley Harris
A second attempt at a band named Heaven comes around in August 1982 with Harris and electronics wizz Richard Rix. A demo tape was made and played on Radio Norfolk.