Last updated: 04-07-2019
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- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 80s Punk
M1982 - M1983
Lead Vocals: Nigel Pye
Vocals, Guitar: John Allen
Vocals, Bass: Paul Brit Evans
Drums: Kingsley Harris (2)Grant Biggs Hughes
May-June 1982: First rehearsals were in the municiple garage of Nick Hamond of Riley Close on the Heartsease Estate until moving to The Heartsease Kabin. Harris played a blue metallic Maxwin 5 piece kit with Zyn and Super Zyn cymbals, although he soon realised that friend of the band Biggs had a more flare for the drums and sold the kit to him (much to his parents dismay). Brit played a Fender Music Master bass going through a Park 8 watt amp and Allen played a Jedson lead guitar amplified through his dads Sharp Music Centre along with Pye's vocals.
The group rehearse for around 2 months before splitting, during which time they only completed one song, the original Allen composition, This Is Our Protest. A live recording of this song does exist and was recorded live at a Kabin rehearsal.
By May 1983 the group had reformed and had renamed themselves Out Of The Blue