

Last updated: 13-03-2018

Lead Vocals: Peter Ward (2)

Guitar: Terry Long (2)Michael Barratt) (3)Ronnie Daring

Bass: Neil Applegate (2)Dave Terry

Keys: Stuart Duke Wither

Sax: Ray Blake

Trumpet: Norman Samways

Drums: Clive Attoe or Dave Tooke


Formed in September 1967, founding guitarist Long had started with Domini and recalls the initial days of the group, “We played some early gigs as Beethoven's Fifth but we knew it wasn’t a good name so we became Blue Street Soul.”


A drummer for the band could not be confirmed although interestingly ex Hucklebucks drummer Blake, shows his versatility and turns up on Saxophone. In around September 1968 overseas student nurse Aginini joins as vocalist after Ward departs and is next seen in The Time Machine. In April 1968 Applegate is poached by Eyes Of Blond and the group soon disband only to reform a few weeks later as the musically similar Impi along with original guitarist Long.                                                 


(Long - Domini) (Blake - The Hucklebucks) Feel For Soul / Audio B Band <

> Impi (Applegate - Eyes Of Blond)